Craft your existing images into a MVP (Minimum Viable Portfolio) to begin marketing yourself to architects and designs.

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In this hour and a half live workshop we walked through the process of how you can take your existing real estate images and build a portfolio targeted towards attracting architecture and design clients.
If you want to start working with architects, interior designers, and builders, but don’t know how to start marketing yourself, the first—and possibly most important step—is establishing a MVP (Minimum Viable Portfolio). This will help show potential clients that you are capable of producing results that fit their needs.
The workshop goes through a case study using actual images from a professional real estate photographer to show the process of creating their MVP. And don’t worry, this is a photographer located in a small town in middle America shooting ordinary homes—not someone who lives in Beverly Hills and shoots gazillion dollar mansions on a daily basis.
By the end of the workshop you’ll have all the tools you need to implement the MVP process using your own images and begin marketing yourself to a whole new segment of clients. And if you make it to the live event you will have the ability to interact and ask specific questions.
Here’s what you can expect to see and learn about…
• Understanding what designers, builders, and architects are looking for in images.
• How to narrow down your best existing photos to use in a new portfolio.
• Ways to tweak your images to cater more towards the architecture and design aesthetic.
• Reverse engineering what a portfolio needs so you can create images to fill in your gaps.
• Strategic tactics to get new portfolio images—both residential and commercial.
• Specific email templates to help gain access to residential and commercial properties to produce new portfolio images.
• And much more…
Below is a condensed version of the topic of shooting new images for your portfolio before you actually get hired…
Here are some of the images from the MVP that act as the case study for the workshop…
A big thank you to Jason Jadloski for these images.